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Search advertising on Google Ads is one of the most effective formats for performance advertising today, since ads are displayed to the user at the time they show interest in products or services. With proper use of this type of advertising, you can show your offer to people who are already interested in buying your products. Ads are displayed on a Google search results page with an “Advertising” plate. Search ads on Google Ads is a quick way to get sales from a search engine.

Advertising on the Google Display Network allows you to talk about your product or service even before a potential customer searches for them. This type of advertising allows you to show your banners to potential customers at the right time, in the right place. For example, while a potential client is browsing websites or videos on Youtube, using Gmail or mobile apps.

Shopping campaigns are perfect for the retail industry. Ads will be shown to interested buyers on Google and other sites on the Internet. The possibilities of shopping ads are much wider than those of ordinary contextual advertising. They contain the product name, its image and price. They help users get the idea of the product before going to the landing page.

Google Ads remarketing allows you to show ads in Google search results to people who have already been to your site. This type of advertising campaign is widely used by advertisers to re-contact. And the variety of options of remarketing is limited only by the number of visitors to your site.

With the help of remarketing, you can show ads to site visitors who have been on your site but have not bought anything. Remarketing makes a significant contribution to the overall advertising campaign, while it does not matter whether the goal is a sales campaign or, for example, registration on the site. It is possible to use not only site visitors for displaying ads, but also users of your mobile application. The wide possibilities of setting up advertising campaigns of this type make it possible to divide users into separate groups and use a unique offer for each group.

This type of advertising allows you to remind user about specific products that he or she viewed on your site. Ads are hosted on the Google Display Network and partner sites. Designing image ads allows you to tell customers about the price and discount on previously viewed products, as well as to increase the number of orders and the size of the customer base.